Easter Musical
The Celebration Choir & the Worship Band at Woodlawn will be presenting a special Easter Musical called Lamb of Glory, Risen King on Sunday, April 13 at 9AM & 11:11AM. Plan to attend this special presentation as you prepare for Easter on April 20.

Family Easter Scavenger Hunt
All families are invited to a fun time of hunting for eggs by solving clues. Families will stay within their household as they travel around the Woodlawn campus solving clues and gathering eggs. For each clue solved each family member will receive a filled egg! To reserve your family's set of clues, eggs, and bags please register by clicking the button below.
Registration closes on Wednesday, April 9.
Small Prizes, Candy and Volunteers Needed
We also need small prizes and candy that will fit in plastic easter eggs for the Family Easter Scavenger Hunt! Collection bins are in the Connection Center outside of the Preschool Wing. Thank you for your donations. You can volunteer to stuff eggs before the event or work a clue station at the event on Sunday, April 13 at 5:00PM. Click the button below to volunteer.

Wednesday Night Holy Week Services
Woodlawn will have a special Easter Reflective Worship at 6PM in the Worship Center. There will also be interactive services for children and youth. One will be for families and their children that are in 6th grade and younger in the Fellowship Center. And another for students who are in 7th– 12th grades in Great Hall.
6PM – Easter Reflective Service – Worship Center
6PM - Student Easter Experience (7th grade – 12th grade) – Great Hall
6PM – Families with Children Easter Experience – Fellowship Center

Good Friday Service
Woodlawn will have a time of worship and prayer at noon on Good Friday in the Choir Room. It will be a time to reflect on the events leading up to the cross and the loving sacrifice that Jesus made for us.

Easter Sunday Worship
Easter Sunday Worship will be at 9AM and 11:11AM on Sunday, April 20.

Easter Brunch
Following the 9:00 AM Worship, a Brunch will be provided between the two Easter Services. There will be Eggs, Sausage and Cheese to make Breakfast Tacos as well as Pancakes. The Men's Ministry will be volunteering their time to prepare this Brunch. Any man is invited to volunteer and help prepare and serve. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the Men's Ministry at Woodlawn. Please email lane@woodlawnbc.org or call the church office if you would like to sign up and help.

Easter Sunday Worship
Easter Sunday Worship will be at 9AM and 11:11AM on Sunday, March 31.

Holy Week Devotion & Prayer
Woodlawn will have a time of devotion and prayer at noon on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday in the Worship Center. It will be a time to reflect on the events leading up to the cross and the loving sacrifice that Jesus made for us.

Wednesday Easter Interactive Worship
Wednesday, March 27 at 6:30PM we will have an interactive worship service where individuals and families can reflect on the days and hours leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. We will spend the evening worshipping through reading scriptures, singing songs, and other reflective elements around the campus. This will be a great time of worship as we look towards Easter.

Easter Family Scavenger Hunt
All families are invited to a fun time of hunting for eggs by solving clues. Families will travel around the Woodlawn campus to find and solve clues. For each clue solved each family member will receive a filled egg! Along the clue path you will visit a petting zoo and enjoy a snow cone! To reserve your family's set of clues, eggs, and bags please register by clicking the button below or texting the word HUNT24 to 512-777-2944. Registration closes on Wednesday, March 20.

Easter Musical
The Celebration Choir at Woodlawn will be presenting a special Easter Musical called Written in Red on Sunday March 24 at 9AM. Plan to attend this special presentation as you prepare for Easter on March 31.

Easter Brunch
Following the 9:00 AM Worship, a Brunch will be provided between the two Easter Services.

Reflections of the Cross
An interactive worship service where individuals and families can reflect on the days and hours leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Family Easter Scavenger hunt
All families are invited to a fun time of hunting for eggs by solving clues.

Easter Musical
The Choir will be presenting a special Easter Musical at the 9:00 AM service.