Woodlawn’s Children’s Ministry strives to partner with parents to teach kids to connect with God, grow in relationship with God, and to serve God. We offer weekly programming, special events, and camps throughout the year to encourage parents to be the primary spiritual leader of their families. Using a multigenerational strategy, we “do life together” so both parents and kids never feel like they are alone on their spiritual journey. At Woodlawn we take safety very seriously, all preschool families are checked in and given security stickers that are used to drop off and pick up preschoolers and in the school age area, all kids in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade need to be signed in and out by a parent or guardian.
LifeGroups meet on Sunday mornings at 10:10am and are age specific in the Preschool and School Age Ministries. Each group has 2 permanent teachers and uses a specific curriculum that is age appropriate. The Preschool LifeGroups meet in the Preschool Wing and the School Age LifeGroups meet in the CY Building. Drop off starts at 9:55AM and pick up is at 11:05AM.
Sunday Morning Worship Care is available during the 9AM and 11:11AM Worship Services for preschoolers. Children are placed into age-appropriate classes while volunteers lead activities that reinforce the lesson taught during the 10:10AM LifeGroup hour.
Family Discipleship meets on Wednesday nights at 6PM in Fellowship Center, September-April. The vision of Family Discipleship is to partner with parents to make disciples through time, moments, and milestones with their kids. Stephanie Shouse will lead our time on Wednesdays this Fall. The prayer for parents during this time is to empower each other to disciple our kids in the daily grind of life. The prayer for the kids as they attend is that they would grow their spiritual foundation to keep them grounded for a lifetime. Family Discipleship will start back in late January or beginning February 2025.
If you have any questions or are interested in serving in the Children’s Ministry, please email stephanie@woodlawnbc.org