Holiday Brunch
Join us for a Holiday Brunch at Woodlawn at 10:00AM on December 29. This will be a potluck brunch. Bring your favorite breakfast food for this event. You can bring donuts, kolaches, sausage balls, or any other breakfast finger food that you enjoy. There will be no LifeGroups or childcare during the brunch. However, there will be childcare during the 9:00AM and 11:11AM Worship services.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Join us this Christmas Eve, for a special candlelight worship service as we remember and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You will hear the Christmas story, worship together, and light candles to remember Jesus as a light to the world. This is a family event, so all ages are encouraged to attend. (Childcare will not be provided.) This is one of our most attended worship experiences throughout the year, so you will want to make sure you arrive early.

A Christmas Offering
Join us December 15 for a Christmas Musical during both 9:00AM & 11:11AM Worship Services.

Student Christmas Party
All students in 7th-12th grade are invited to an evening of festive fun and encouraged to bring a friend! The fun will happen from 6:00-7:30pm. There will be lots of fun, good food, games, and an ugly Christmas sweater contest.

A Christmas Experience 2024
Come enjoy A Christmas Experience at Woodlawn! Sunday, December 8 from 5PM to 8PM.
There will be experiences for all ages to enjoy!
Snow Slide with additional snow areas to play
Petting Zoo
Make your own Smores
Decorate sugar cookies and Christmas Ornaments
Designated areas for your Christmas Pictures
Food to purchase from local vendors
Food is available at a cost. The food this year is Turkey Legs, Kettle Corn, and Roppolos pizza.
Where to Park:
All parking is free.
Handicap parking is available in the parking lot on campus and the parking attendants will help you find a space. Make sure to tell them when you enter the parking lot you need handicap parking.
There is limited parking in the parking lot on campus. The only entrance to the parking lot can be found through the South entrance located on Cactus Lane.
Additional parking spots can be found in the parking lots at Joslin Elementary School.
Street parking is available on Cactus Lane, Cimarron Trail, and Pack Saddle.
There is parking available to the East of Woodlawn across Menchaca Road. There will be constables helping pedestrians cross Menchaca.
If you’re interested in volunteering for Christmas Experience, click below to register:

Christmas Stockings
Pick up a Christmas stocking on November 17. There will be a list of items that you can buy and fill up the stocking and then return it on December 1. The stockings will be given to children through the Baptist Community Center. There will be a limit of two stockings per family this year.

Donations Needed for A Christmas Experience
Sign up to donate undecorated sugar cookies, Hershey chocolate bars, graham crackers, and big marshmallows for A Christmas Experience 2024. Families who come to A Christmas Experience will have the opportunity to decorate cookies and make s’mores. It requires thousands of cookies and s’more ingredients to be donated to have enough for the crowd that will be attending. S’more ingredients need to be dropped in the church office by Wednesday, December 4 and the cookies will need to be dropped off in the Fellowship Center on Sunday, December 8.
Text DONATION to 512.777.2944 or click the button below.

New Year's Brunch
Join us for a New Year's Eve Brunch at Woodlawn at 10:00 on December 31st. This will be a potluck brunch. Bring your favorite breakfast food for this event.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Join us this Christmas Eve, for a special candlelight worship service as we remember and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Morning Worship
There will only be one morning worship on December 24. Join us at 10AM for the traditional Sunday Morning worship experience.

Morning of Music
Morning of Music will be Sunday, December 10 during both 9AM & 11:11AM Worships.