“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. ”
How do we deal with people who we believe are false teachers within the Christian community? Those who teach against the very foundation of Christian faith, while claiming to have a greater understanding of Christianity. This is the issue that is being addressed by Paul in 2 Timothy 2:14-26. This passage begins by stating we need to avoid arguments that do more harm than good. It is easy for arguments to become destructive. People begin to attack each other, and it becomes a battle of words that loses sight of the real issues. Frustration can lead to anger and emotions reach a point where nothing good will come from the discussion, regardless of the truth.
Paul was concerned that addressing false teachers by arguing with them would harm the witnesses. They may not know the truth of God, but after observing a person representing God become emotional and angrily condemning to others would cause the witnesses to turn away from the truth. Therefore, make every effort to behave in a manner that represents God. There is a fine line of debating people about the truth through discussion and arguing with people. In a debate, you attempt to explain the truth, while still displaying compassion for others. In a destructive argument, you attempt to force a person to agree with you through emotion and manipulation. Or you attempt to hurt them through your words.
Jesus gave instructions on how to handle those who are outside of the faith who refuse to listen. In one place, He said they needed to shake the dust off and move on. In another scripture, He stated it was a waste of time to try and give pearls to pigs. But, dealing with false teachers who are within the Christian community is complicated. So, if it is not beneficial to get into an argument of words, what are we to do? We continue to teach the truth! We make sure we act in a way that pleases God. We study the scripture so we can understand and share the truth with others. We point out wrong doctrine and counter with the truth. Finally, have confidence that God protects those who repent and continue to faithfully follow Him.
Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26